

I looked at the date and just realized that it's already the second month of the year. When you are occupied, time really ticks fast. Fortunately, it wasn’t a wasted time. Walking down memory lane, I can see that January  was indeed the beginning of change for me this year.

Career wise,  I decided to move to chat support. Though I'm back to taking calls for the past two weeks, I know that I'm already  a part of a different team and work routine. Maybe I'm just so fed up of taking calls, that I want to try something new and something different from what I'm currently doing. This career change also means acquiring a new skill which is a good addition to my resume and an improvement to my professional marketability.

For the last 3 years, I have been planning to get my passport but due to laziness and probably unwillingness, I wasn’t able to process it. What's the use of planning when there is no action? But after 3 years of planning, I finally made a move to process it through online appointment. After setting the appointment, I went to DFA all by myself in this unfamiliar place. Gladly, it didn’t take a whole day to process it and in a few days time, I will be able to get my hands on that little brown book which is my primary ticket to tour the world.

When it comes to health, I've been going to the gym and have been doing a one hour jogging regularly. I've been meaning to do these last year and told myself that I should really do it this year. It's not only about losing weight but it's also about being more conscious to my health especially that my line of work is prone to illnesses.

It might sound superficial to include physical change but physical appearance is also a factor that can make or break a person's confidence and outlook towards life. This year, instead of going straight, I opted to go for dyed curly locks. Hair is our crowning glory and when we change our do, it really makes a huge difference on how we look. I like it and so does a lot of people.

Change of Attitude? Well, I've been telling myself lately to refrain from seeing the bad side of people. I'm always reminding myself that one mistake is not enough to forget their good side. I'm also pushing myself to become emotionally stronger because I think that there is no point lingering on something that will only bring us hurt.  Thus, I told myself to always move on and know that there is a rainbow after the rain.

I have always been open to changes and new ideas . This year, I am widening my doors for better changes and greater ideas and opportunities. I am looking forward to experience something new and different. 



I am back again in my own little virtual turf. Not only I come here for passion. Many of my sojourns here are elicited by emotions I can't contain. Writing is perhaps one of the most stress-relieving activities there is especially for those who love to write. Now, I feel melancholic, dejected and hurt. I yearn to vacillate these emotions into deep words that reach the core of the heart. Yet oftentimes, words are not enough to express what we truly feel. Mr. Sunshine is gone and the clouds are rolling in ready to pour the rain. As I add more words, I feel like I am being squeezed tighter and tighter until probably I can't breathe. Hurt can pull even the strongest person down and brings us to our worst. It can leave scars that will mar our hearts forever but when we look at the brighter side, it will make us stronger and more capable. We get hurt but we'll get by eventually.


Welcoming 2012!


2012 is here. I was just reading my old post way back Jan/11 and there was a part there where I've asked "what will 2011 bring?"  2011 was a great year for maybe a lot of us. We may have had ups and downs but look at us, we had survived another year and welcomed 2012 with warmth, smiles and excitement. Personally, it was a challenging year for me but it was also the year when I made some of my dreams become a reality. I made some of them happen and yes it was pretty exciting and I when I look back and think about my experiences, I must say I made it through life with flying colors! What I've learned about the past year is to never give up and this year, I'm going to make more of my dreams come true. 

My mindset this year is to: 

photo taken from bianca's blog.
Dreams are there to guide us, leading us to where we want to be and what we can be. They are our north star and can make the impossible possible. We need to keep on dreaming!

Love is inevitable. It sustains us, make us weak but at the same time, make us strong making life more interesting and it's the reason why we keep on living. Love and be loved!

Travel for me this year is about traversing the road of life. Whatever or whomever I may encounter in this journey will only make my life more colorful and exciting. Travel and always move forward!

I've always said that I'm one of the lamest when it comes to New Year's Resolution but here I am making one.

1. Less self-love and more love for others
2. Save!
3. Make my two new year's resolutions happen! :-P

2012, bring it on!